Jack and Jill
Empowering the Next Generation Through Financial Literacy
SPARK is the trusted financial literacy partner for many Jack and Jill chapters throughout the country. Our programs support your chapter's youth leadership efforts with empowering workshops that equip students with essential life skills and the mindset to implement positive change in their lives. Our workshops are aligned to your chapter's programmatic thrust and support your mission to develop future leaders!
Jack and Jill families have loved these programs. Here's what they have to say!
"Thank you to your amazing team! The kids really enjoyed the activity."
-Crystal Gaines, Alexandria Mount Vernon Chapter
"Thank you again for facilitating our financial modules this year. As stated before, our children and teens really enjoyed the workshops."
-Danielle, Mobile Chapter
"The kids just wrapped up their entrepreneurial session and it was a huge success! The kids were engaged, they asked lots of questions, and seemed excited to be learning about the topic.
All of the moms complimented Ms. Debby on how she managed the group and kept the kids actively participating and engaged.
Thank you so much for offering to repeat the session. It went very well!"
-Dee Wilkes
Financial Modules
Below are the programs that we offer for Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12:
Thinking Ahead: Developing a Financial Plan
Put Some Aside: Budgeting
Risky Business: Risk, Rewards and Return
Life Skills: You, Your Job, Your Career
Where’s the Money? Financial Opportunities
Work Your Money: Investment Options
Working it Out: Take-Home Pay, Benefits, and Taxes
Stop, Shop, Spend: All You Need to Know About Credit
Give and Take: The Benefits of Philanthropy
Saving for Your Education: Costs, Benefits, and Planning
Home Sweet Home: Homeownership and Equity
What in the World? International Currencies
Here Today, How Much Tomorrow?: The Future Value of Money
Behind the Wheel: Economic Factors that Drive Investment
Leadership: Taking Charge of Your Life
Contact us!
Interested in scheduling a program or learning more? Contact Ainsley Green for more information. We can't wait to hear from you!