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Parent Feedback

We love getting feedback from parents and kids about our programs!  Below are recent testimonials we have received about our camps and classes.
Thank you!

“Alina is having a wonderful time at camp!  We haven’t heard her speak about any camp in such an excited way.  Thanks!” -Rachna

“My daughter just completed your camp today.  She said this is one of the best camps she has ever had. The camp is amazing. Thank you!” -Jin

“Dilan has really been enjoying your camp this week.  So glad you had this class this summer!  Thank you!” -Ganga

“I just want to let you know that we have been very happy with the courses that our son has taken.  He loves it.  Thanks!” -Carl

“I'm really just so impressed with the camp that Spencer took. It was just AWESOME! It is one thing to enjoy a class, but it is another thing to have learned and enjoyed it so much that you are repeating/teaching/using what you learned in every other situation!” -Kathy

“Thank you for this fabulous camp! Sam really enjoyed it and talked a lot about what he learned each day at home. Thanks again for the thoughtful planning and execution of this camp!” -Deborah

“This was a fabulous summer course for my daughter. She loved it and was excited each day to attend. She learned a lot and now she and her friends are eager to start a business :) Thank you for leading this program. It's really wonderful to have these offerings this summer.” –Ginger

“My son, Gabriel, really enjoyed the camp. I wish I was able to take a camp like this when I was a kid!” –Joyce

“We would like to truly thank you for the unforgettable experience you have given us. The camp was a real-world experience in which we were able to learn everything there is to know about running a business.” -Mahtab

“Our daughter had such a wonderful experience in your week of entrepreneurial training. She was so engaged in the experience, and was so happy to do so with her friend. I know that this has spurred a lot of thought about business ideas, and we were so impressed to see how she was thinking about marketing, product features, pricing, as well as logos and web presence. Thank you for the amazing experience. You made it fun for them and also a really content rich time. She was so happy to have done this.” -Richard

“Sam is loving the sports management class and teacher!” -Amy

“Thank you! This was a wonderful program for the kids. You succeeded in firing them up and thinking ahead. Great job. Emma enjoyed it very much.” –Darayus

“Many thanks for this excellent camp!!!!” –Dyice

"THANK YOU SO MUCH for providing these programs for our children!!  It's such a meaningful experience.  Both boys said they LOVED the class and that you were such an AWESOME instructor. They really enjoyed the class, the teamwork with fellow classmates, and they thought the kahoot was really fun!" -Anna

"My daughter attended your camp and rated it her absolute best camp ever!  She learned a lot and had loads of fun." -Mrs. Perry

“My son Liam absolutely loved the program he took last week. He said it was the best camp he has ever done.” -Jessica

“Yeni is really enjoying the class.  He is so excited and always looking forward to the next day.  Thanks again for this class, it’s a great investment!” -Adedoyin

“My son Henry is in your camp and I just wanted to tell you that he loves it!  Thanks for leading the camp!” -Becky

"Your program is wonderful! Great class, awesome content

and a happy child! -Katy

“Thank you so much for leading this class. Will LOVES how interactive and engaging your program is... he is brimming with excitement and ideas, and is having a lot of fun in the breakout sessions. Thank you again!” –Quincy

“Thank you! This has been a great class and Jacqueline is enjoying it very much! The content has been great. We're glad we signed up!” –Michael

“Thank you so much for letting Phillip participate in your Budding Entrepreneurs. You brought out his curiosity and interest better than anyone else did. Thank you for encouraging him, for supporting him, for caring about him. Thank you for inspiring him to believe in himself. Thank you for being one of the few great teachers out there!” –Eva

"Thanks so much for this program. My two boys really enjoyed it! The class kept them engaged and motivated — and talking about what they learned long after each class. The technology platform was simple to use and they received a good amount of attention. It’s amazing the depth of knowledge they were able to absorb about a sophisticated topic!" -Adam

“Thanks for starting this wonderful program. Lucas has loved it. How fortunate these kids are to be starting early!” –Meranee

“My son Vincent loved the Jr. CEOs course. He is now watching Shark Tank at home!” -Stephanie

“Thank you for such a wonderful and insightful course! Sofia absolutely loved it and wrote a note for you! :)” –Elvira

“Thank you! My son is having so much fun while learning. He enjoyed presenting his team’s business idea with the group today. It sounds like everyone is having a great time!” –Quinta

"My 5th grader is truly enjoying your stock market class and teaching me a lot! Alex loved your Sports Management class, as well. Thank you for providing your amazing courses!" -Tamara

"My daughter is over the moon with all that she is learning at camp!" -Sarah

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